207-619-3273                                        Stress Waived-Pain be Gone               862 Minot Ave, Auburn, Maine 04210          
Learn more, Stay Educated about Pain, Pain Relief, Health and Wellness

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  Visit us regularly to learn more about your health and wellness understanding how we help people live more fully and pain free
deep tissue
                              helps muscles

Special moments cont.....

TREATMENT:  The answers you have been waiting for...

Treatment/Medical Massage. Treatment results vary per person and issue. Many patients notice relief during the first treatment. This however is rare.  The majority of patients need several sessions until their pain reduces and may be relieved permanently. It si not uncommon to have soreness after the initial treatment--many tissues are adjusting to changes that occurred during treatment. As these tissues are being treated they learn to adjust more quickly, giving more relief and less soreness.  This body and tissue response is a normal stage of chronic pain and healing.

The speed at which a patient is able to return to "normal" activities without pain depends on treatment frequency, adherence to suggested 'homework', and possibly some of these conditions...

->  Type if injury and severity

->  Length of time since injury before seeking treatment

->  Overall physical health/fitness level

->  Nutrition

->  Sleep-how much and quality of sleep

->  condition of Skeletal issues, allergies, diabetes, dysfunction...


At Stress Waived, we make sure to be very thorough...

-> Full medical history

->  Assessment of Pain/movement

->  Suggest stretches, home-work, self-care

->Discuss working at: posture, ergonomics, sleeping, more

Let's REVIEW the process at our office....

Benefits of TP work:

Trigger point work helps treat and manage pain, directly at the source not where it manifests itself.  We also work the surrounding tissues/muscles to reduce the tension from compensation and general tightness. 


Your LMT will greet you, review our medical history, do a verbal and physical assessment of your bodies condition finding the TP and tight muscles. During treatment your LMT will use different techniques with varying pressure to break down the tension, build-up of knots, and TP work. Because of thise pressure and specific area work it may be uncomfortable.


Post Treatment:

Stay hydrated. The break-up of tension and TPs releases the trapped toxins in the tissue into the blood stream and lymph system.  This hydration helps flush these toxins out faster, decreasing aches and soreness.


I suggest you schedule a Treatment massage today.

Book Now

We are located  862 Minot Ave, Auburn, Maine 04210
(in the office of Dr. Paul Morin, Chiropractic)

Ample/Excellent parking-Free, Easily accessible